Day 125 / Ed

Ed was Donovon’s best friend when Donovon and I first started dating. They shared many so good times together. And when we got married, Ed was Donovon’s best man. There wasn’t a better choice. Ed made Donovon a better man. He made him a better friend. And later, he made me a better person.

Ed had this way of making it so that everyone around him enjoyed life. His favorite saying was “Party on!” He always wanted to make sure that we all had a good time. I can sometimes be wound a little tight. So Ed’s insistance of “partying on” allowed me to loosen up and enjoy my youth. Donovon and me partying with Ed, is a time in my life that I treasure and look back on with a huge smile.

Ed passed away eleven years ago. It was a very tragic loss that hit Donovon and me very hard. Last night, those of us who were friends with Ed got together and celebrated his life. We do this every year. We all meet at one of his favorite bars, drink and eat, and catch up and share memories of our time with Ed. There is always a lot of laughter and very funny and fond memories. I know that every time we come together to celebrate the man who loved to party with his friends, he is there with us raising a shot of Absolut and cheering, “Party on!!”

I’m so grateful that Ed was a part of my life. I still miss him, but I take comfort in knowing that his soul lives on in Donovon and me and all who knew and loved him.

“Party on, Ed!” I love you, man.


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