One of Those Days

In the good sense, I’ve had one of those days where things started off great and stayed there. 

Ava got up and dressed in near record time. As her typical morning routine includes me begging and then demanding   for 20 minutes to get up and dressed, this alone was a fantastic start to my day. 🙂

First thing at work, I had some great conversations with co-workers even though the market opened down. Later, I shared laughs with a few other co-workers, which felt great because I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. 

In the evening, I had my last class for the semester, and let me tell ya, the last day of class anytime always makes for a great day. 

I’m so grateful for One of Those Days!

A Quick Visit from My Sister & Her Fam

My sister and her “little” family stopped by for a quick visit after work today. It’s always such a joy to see them. 

My sister and I could talk for hours. Somehow we never run out of things to talk about. It was also great to see My Toot and Chris in such great spirits and so excited about their future. 

But alas, it was just a quick visit.  I soaked up delicious hugs from Abigael and Evangeline and half a a kiss from Coralyse (she’s a tough nut to crack)  before they left.  Their hugs and kisses always warm my heart. 

Today I’m grateful for a visit from my sister and her family. 

Phone Calls from Friends

In today’s world, with texting and social media, phone calls from friends are so rare.  So, I was very pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from a long-time friend the other night.  He’s been friends with Donovon and I for over twenty years.  We’ve seen each other through many changes throughout the years.  And as true friends should be, even though time has passed between each conversation, we pick it up as though not a day has gone by.  

He and his family moved to Pittsburgh over a year ago and we miss them like crazy.  It was so great to catch up and share some hearty laughs.  That’s one thing we can always count on when we are all together – Lots of laughter.  Just thinking about it makes me smile.
Gabbing on the phone is such a cherished and now rare pastime.  I’m so grateful for phone calls from friends.  

Gratitude Daily Reboot

In the midst of all life’s responsibilities – family, friends, career, clients, school, voluteer – there are times when I feel overwhelmed and the negative thoughts start to creep in.  I start to feel anxious and uncertain.  

These uneasy thoughts have swirled about my head for several weeks now.  It could be the volatile markets.  It could be my incessant over-committing.  It could be life and the world in general.  Whatever the case, I realized I’ve got to get myself out of this funk.  With that realization came another realization that I have forgotten to focus on gratitude.  It’s what saved me the year after Daddy’s death.  Why did I let it go?  This beautiful thing that changed my perspective on everything, I simply just let go.  I started to feel the peace I was yearning for and then felt I no longer had to focus each day on being grateful. 

That’s where I went wrong. 

Taking to time to feel grateful for something everyday doesn’t have to come after a huge loss. It should simply be a part of living each day. It balances out all the negativity.  It brings peace amidst the uncertainty and anxiousness.

So, I am rebooting this gratitude blog and am ready to take on all the peace and solace I know it will bring. 

Today, I’m grateful for coming to these realizations and then walking outside my office building to take in this breathingly gorgeous view.