
I love learning. The a-ha lightbulb moments, concepts sinking in, calculations, formulas, all of it. I find it all so rewarding.

I’m studying for an industry certification, and while I know a lot of the fundamentals, there’s so much more than I don’t use on a daily basis that I find fascinating.

I’m so grateful for my life-long learning journey.

Sunday Dinner

Dinner with Donovon and my girls always gives me such great joy. All the little inside jokes, Donovon’s and my incessant use of movie quotes, and Alexa’s and Ava’s sisterly banter weave together to make the coziest of blankets wrapping me in happiness, serenity, and of course, gratitude.

Girl Day @ UT Austin

Today Ava and I along with her Girl Scout troop went to Girl Day at UT Austin.

Ava claims she had an “okay” time, but I had a great time watching her program a light board, build a structure with toothpicks and marshmallows and have some fun with her friends.

I hope she cherishes this time; I sure do. And I’m grateful for these precious moments as they do not last for long.

Relaxing Saturday

Today has been the most relaxing Saturday I’ve had in many, many months.  As I relaxed and reflected on the relentless activity – the commitments, the responsibilities, the chaos – over the last several months, a sense of gratitude overcame me.  I relished in the overcast and gloomy afternoon.  I savored the mindless television programming.  I cherished deep breaths of relief and relaxation.

Today has been like a dose of medicine that I so desperately needed.  I’m so grateful for a very relaxing Saturday.

Last Night of Class for the Summer

This summer has been quite a brutal one for me as far as my studies go. 

I’ve taken two courses, one college credit exam, and one securities licensing exam. So I’ve essentially been studying non-stop since May.

I passed both exams. And tonight was the last class night of the summer.  I cannot fully describe the extent of my gratitude for my summer studies coming to an end.  It’s an incredibly liberating feeling. 

I just have one last course to finish to complete my degree. I have to admit, there’s a big part of me that doesn’t want this journey to end. So I don’t know…There’s always grad school… 😉

But for now, I’m celebrating the end of summer studying with some delicious TX Whiskey.

Dinner with My Family

Goodness, it’s been an awful long time since I posted, and while I have so much for which I am thankful these past few months, tonight was one of those nights that inspired gratitude just in its simplicity. 

Donovon didn’t feel like cooking so we opted for one of our favorite places for take-out, Chuy’s.  But instead of calling it in, we decided to go to the restaurant,  which is something we rarely do as a family on a weeknight. 

As we were eating our dinner, I took a moment to absorb and enjoy our conversation and our time together. Alexa is now 20 and will graduate college in less than 2 years and move to NYC. Family dinners with all four of us will happen less and less often. These are the moments that I refuse to take for granted – the love, the happiness, the laughter over a simple meal. 

Tonight, I’m grateful for dinner with my family.

Lily’s Birthday

My oldest niece on my side of the family, Lily, turned 9 yesterday, and we joined her dinner celebration last night at Bucca di Beppo.  It’s always a party when all our little pricesses get together! 🙂

There’s a very special place in my heart for my sister’s first born. This child is so lovely and sweet. And she’s growing into such and strong and beautiful young lady. 

I can’t believe she is already nine years old!  It was just yesterday that I babysat her and watched her crawl across our living room floor or held her in my arms.  

My bond with Lily is quite special. She is truly a bright spot in my life. I’m so grateful for Lily and her delightful spirit, and I look forward to her many birthdays to come!
Happy Birthday, Lily!! Auntie Anna loves you so very much!


One of Those Days

In the good sense, I’ve had one of those days where things started off great and stayed there. 

Ava got up and dressed in near record time. As her typical morning routine includes me begging and then demanding   for 20 minutes to get up and dressed, this alone was a fantastic start to my day. 🙂

First thing at work, I had some great conversations with co-workers even though the market opened down. Later, I shared laughs with a few other co-workers, which felt great because I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. 

In the evening, I had my last class for the semester, and let me tell ya, the last day of class anytime always makes for a great day. 

I’m so grateful for One of Those Days!

A Quick Visit from My Sister & Her Fam

My sister and her “little” family stopped by for a quick visit after work today. It’s always such a joy to see them. 

My sister and I could talk for hours. Somehow we never run out of things to talk about. It was also great to see My Toot and Chris in such great spirits and so excited about their future. 

But alas, it was just a quick visit.  I soaked up delicious hugs from Abigael and Evangeline and half a a kiss from Coralyse (she’s a tough nut to crack)  before they left.  Their hugs and kisses always warm my heart. 

Today I’m grateful for a visit from my sister and her family. 

Phone Calls from Friends

In today’s world, with texting and social media, phone calls from friends are so rare.  So, I was very pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from a long-time friend the other night.  He’s been friends with Donovon and I for over twenty years.  We’ve seen each other through many changes throughout the years.  And as true friends should be, even though time has passed between each conversation, we pick it up as though not a day has gone by.  

He and his family moved to Pittsburgh over a year ago and we miss them like crazy.  It was so great to catch up and share some hearty laughs.  That’s one thing we can always count on when we are all together – Lots of laughter.  Just thinking about it makes me smile.
Gabbing on the phone is such a cherished and now rare pastime.  I’m so grateful for phone calls from friends.