Day 12 / Hanging with Friends at the Bar

Ava stayed with her Nana tonight so we took advantage of the “kidless” evening to meet up with friends at our neighborhood bar.  I’ve been kinda down this week missing my dad and work has been a little intense, so spending time with friends at the bar was a much needed and welcomed break.

It was so nice just hanging out, enjoying our friends’ company, and drinking and eating.  I love my baby girl, but I’m grateful for the occasional “grown-up” time with friends…and good martinis.

Day 11 / Donovon

We met 25 years ago.  We started dating 23 years ago.  We got married 21 years ago.  Against all odds, this guy who drove to my parent’s house to pick me up for our first date in an Army green Datson with shark teeth painted on the sides and a bleached blond skater haircut, still marches through life right by my side.

Upon meeting him, depending on his mood, he’s either quiet and reserved or bursting with charisma.  His many hobbies, ranging from cooking to cycling to gaming to gardening to woodworking to reading to robotics to movie-watching to telescoping, provide subject matter for just about any conversation with most anyone.  Ironically, we only share one hobby – watching movies – although I’m trying desperately to get him to play golf. 🙂

I enjoy his cooking the most and am quite spoiled by it.  He loves to cook for family and friends.  His cooking is what everyone looks forward to when they come to our house.  And if the meal doesn’t take at least two hours to prepare, it is not worth it to him to cook it.  Yes, he’s that passionate about it.

We could not be more opposite and the same all at once, but what I love most about him is that he makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.  We could be in the middle of a heated argument and he will do or say something that makes me explode with laughter.  He does his best to make me not take myself too seriously.  And through his undeniable love for me and our girls, he makes me a better person.

I love this man and am grateful everyday for him.




Day 10 / AMEX points

Okay, I’m really struggling with finding gratitude today.  So today, in the midst of life’s minor frustrations, I’m grateful for my AMEX points that are paying for our hotel room that is needed while our A/C is out and awaiting repair.  Thank goodness for AMEX points!

Day 9 / NyQuil

It might be strange to devote a gratitude post to a cold medicine, but I’m sick with some sort of cold or flu, so today I’m grateful for NyQuil.  It relieves my symptoms and allows me to sleep so well and I could not be more thankful for that today. 

Day 8 / Arriving Home Safely

Ava and I spent the weekend in Houston.  We had such a great time with my mom, my brother, and my sister and her family.  We missed Daddy a lot, but it felt good just all being together.  And as I mentioned yesterday, My Little Princesses fill me with such joy.

Ava and I got home late tonight, so after such a wonderful weekend, I’m grateful we arrived home safely.

Day 7 / My Little Princesses

My Little Princesses are the sweetest blessing. They each have a personality all her own. And I tell them that their hugs are their super power giving me so much strength and happiness.

If you don’t already know My Little Princesses, please allow me to introduce you…

First. there’s Lily, my oldest niece. Lily is the responsible, loving, nurturing artist.

Next is Ava, my 4-year-old. Ava will get her own gratitude post, but for now, suffice it to say that she is the princessiest of them all.

Then there is my 4-year-old niece, Evangeline. Evangeline is the beautiful, sensitive, determined adventurer.

Lastly (for now), there is Abigael. Abigael is our adorably cute honey badger. She’s got some serious charm, but she also don’t give a s–t.

This little pack of princesses gives me so much love and joy I can barely stand it. And just when I thought I couldn’t possibly be blessed with anymore princess joy, there’s another little princess niece on the way!

I’m so grateful for all My Little Princesses!!


Day 6 / Visiting Daddy

Today I went to visit my Daddy at his resting place in Pearland. I had been excited about visiting him for days. I headed straight to the cemetery as soon as I got into town.

My mother is buried in the Philippines and I’ve gotten to visit her grave once since we buried her there 27 years ago. So I’m very grateful to be able to take a quick 3-hour drive to visit Daddy. It felt so peaceful. I told him I miss him and that I’m happy that I get to visit him as often as I want. I told him to keep an eye on me, my mom, my sister, and my brother. Ava was with me and told her Lolo that she misses and loves him so much. It made my heart feel so full.


Day 5 / Dinner with Friends

Since my husband and I had our second daughter, Ava, we haven’t gotten out on weeknights as much.  Ava is cute, but she’s a handful and public meltdowns are her specialty, so we avoid them as much as possible. Tonight, however, our friends invited us to join them and their girls for pizza and beer at Pinthouse Pizza.  We couldn’t refuse their company or the chance to try a new pizza joint, so we ventured out with both our girls for a rare evening out.

The place was a little loud, but the beer was good and the pizza better. It was so nice to get out and be with friends, enjoying their company, watching our girls entertain each other, and sharing laughs.  I appreciated the whole evening, especially our friends for getting us out and spending time with us.  And I’m most grateful that Ava didn’t have a meltdown. 😉

Day 4 / Re-connecting with childhood friends

Today I had lunch with a friend I went to Catholic school with many, many moons ago.  It had been 25 years since we’ve had any real connection.  It was amazing to discover the twists and turns our lives took.  And I had forgotten how funny she is!

There’s something about losing a loved one and re-connecting with the past.  They essentially go hand-in-hand, as though the loss inspires connecting with all the people, places, or things that made us who we are today and how we connected to the person who passed on.

All that to say I really enjoyed visiting with my childhood friend at lunch today and am grateful for re-connecting with her.  It put a smile on my face and made me appreciate growing up with some really great friends.

Day 3 / My Beautiful Girl

For those of you who know my first-born daughter, Alexa, you know that when I describe her as “beautiful”, I am referring to her inner beauty more than her stunning outer beauty. For it is Alexa’s huge compassionate heart that makes an impression on anyone who knows or meets her.Ill-prepared, yet over-joyed when we had her, I was only 21 and my husband 24. We were kids having a kid, so we basically all grew up together. Because of that, I cherish our relationship that much more.

Alexa arrived almost 2 years after my husband’s “Little Brother” – what he affectionately called his younger step-brother – died in a tragic car accident. Her arrival brought rays of light to a very dark time for my husband’s family. I can’t help but think that God blessed us with her at a time when we all needed her most.

Now, I’m proud of My Beautiful Girl for many reasons – She’s strong, responsible, passionate, caring, independent, funny, joyful, empathetic, hard-working, determined, and creative. But even beyond all these attributes, she amazes me in that she’s gorgeous and doesn’t know it. She’s a leader and doesn’t realize that she leads. She’s a giver and doesn’t think twice about giving.

These past several weeks Alexa has been at my side almost every minute holding my hand, hugging me, letting me cry on her all why going through her own pain of losing her grandfather. I derive so much strength from her, and could not be more grateful for My Beautiful Girl.

