Day 134 / Painting Ava’s Room

I’ve been promising Ava that I would paint her room for weeks now…Really months if you count the first time I mentioned it. So this weekend was finally the weekend. If I didn’t do it now, with the holidays upon us, I realistically would not get to it until the new year.

So I’m thankful that I set out to paint Ava’s room and finished today. More than that, Ava helped me paint and I enjoyed her company as we painted together. She was actually a lot of help despite there being a bunch of paint that I now how to clean off the floors.

We had a great time together, and she loves her new room colors. We’re waiting on new curtains and a new lamp to be delivered, and her “new room” will be complete. I hope this weekend goes into her memory bank under “Good Times with Mommy”. I know that it’s definitely a memory I will hold dear forever.


Day 133 / A Clean Living Room

Ever since Ava came into our lives, the living room remains clean for about 5 minutes max. She’ll then swoop in like the Tasmanian Devil and wreak havoc on anything that is clean.

Anyway, Donovon decided to help out today by cleaning the living room “Type-A-Style”, which includes dusting, cleaning under all the furniture, cleaning the windows, and sweeping and cleaning the floors. Me, I generally take the quick and easy route because there are other rooms in the house that need attention, not to mention the laundry and other household chores. I get the living room done half-ass in about 20 minutes. Donovon spent the better part of today getting the living room immaculate. I couldn’t be more thankful.

And, of course, in true form, Ava came through and left behind a trail of clutter. 😉

Day 132 / Black Friday Shopping

Even if I didn’t have to work this morning, you wouldn’t find me waiting in line at 6 AM for a Black Friday deal. Nevertheless, I did get half my Christmas shopping done online today. I’ve never been this far ahead on my Christmas shopping. It’s a great feeling, and I’m thankful for it!

Day 131 / Thanksgiving Day

Bar none, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Feasting on turkey, sides, and pie with family and friends while giving thanks – For me, no other holiday compares.

Today was so much fun. The family hung out and cuddled this morning while watching Parenthood. I then prepared my dishes to bring to Mom Judy’s house for dinner.

Thanksgiving dinner at Mom Judy’s was so delicious. And we had such a good time. I loved it.

I’m so grateful for spending the day with family and friends and enjoying a delectable Thanksgiving feast.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Photo by Cortney

Day 128 / Michelle

We’ve known each other since the first grade and became close friends in junior high.  To this day, “Shell Shell” (that’s what I call her, and yes, that’s how I spell it) and I remain close.  We saw each other through our formative years and into adulthood.  She was there when Donovon and I first started dating, and she was my bridesmaid in our wedding.  She’s seen Alexa grow into a young woman, and she is Ava’s godmother.  To say that she’s very important to me would be an understatement.

We may not spend much time together, but we have a very special bond that has proven unbreakable.  Having such a rich history together, I consider Shell Shell my sister.  And I know, at the core of my soul, that she and I will continue to be there for each no matter what.

Michelle came to the hospital shortly after my father’s stroke and spent hours with me, easing the strain and comforting me.  I needed her there.  I knew that I would feel better when she got there.  As the stress and exhaustion began to take over, Michelle’s presence alone gave me so much strength.

It was a little over ten years ago that I went to the hospital when Michelle’s father fell ill.  He, too, passed away.  My heart hurt for her and her whole family.  They are so very close.  I lived with them for a short time while going to UT.  I’m so thankful for those memories, and to have lived in that house so filled with love.

When Michelle arrived at the visitation service for my father, I walked up to her and fell into her arms sobbing.  That’s who she is – my best friend of almost thirty years who will hold me up when I need her most.  I pray that she knows I will do the same for her.

I’m so incredibly grateful for you, Michelle, and I love you so much.


Day 126 / The Banter of My Girls

Listening to the banter of Alexa and Ava cracks me up and warms my heart.  Tonight they came with me to pick up dinner.  That’s when their banter is most precious – when we’re all in the car together.  Ava will say random things like, “You know what, Mommy? Alexa calls me ‘Dimps’.”  Alexa then bursts with laughter and a playful exchange ensues.

It’s so incredibly priceless.  I’m always tempted to interject and sometimes will, but typically I will sit back and listen with a huge smile across my face.  I’m so grateful for my girls’ banter.  It’s only going to be this cute for so long, so I savor every second of it.

Day 125 / Ed

Ed was Donovon’s best friend when Donovon and I first started dating. They shared many so good times together. And when we got married, Ed was Donovon’s best man. There wasn’t a better choice. Ed made Donovon a better man. He made him a better friend. And later, he made me a better person.

Ed had this way of making it so that everyone around him enjoyed life. His favorite saying was “Party on!” He always wanted to make sure that we all had a good time. I can sometimes be wound a little tight. So Ed’s insistance of “partying on” allowed me to loosen up and enjoy my youth. Donovon and me partying with Ed, is a time in my life that I treasure and look back on with a huge smile.

Ed passed away eleven years ago. It was a very tragic loss that hit Donovon and me very hard. Last night, those of us who were friends with Ed got together and celebrated his life. We do this every year. We all meet at one of his favorite bars, drink and eat, and catch up and share memories of our time with Ed. There is always a lot of laughter and very funny and fond memories. I know that every time we come together to celebrate the man who loved to party with his friends, he is there with us raising a shot of Absolut and cheering, “Party on!!”

I’m so grateful that Ed was a part of my life. I still miss him, but I take comfort in knowing that his soul lives on in Donovon and me and all who knew and loved him.

“Party on, Ed!” I love you, man.
