Knowing My Purpose

I watched this Simon Sinek talk on The Definition of Purpose the other day and it continues to resonate with me as do many of his talks.

I have always been driven to help others.  Simon Sinek’s talk helped me put that into perspective.  Today, I’m grateful for knowing my purpose.

Gratitude Daily Reboot

In the midst of all life’s responsibilities – family, friends, career, clients, school, voluteer – there are times when I feel overwhelmed and the negative thoughts start to creep in.  I start to feel anxious and uncertain.  

These uneasy thoughts have swirled about my head for several weeks now.  It could be the volatile markets.  It could be my incessant over-committing.  It could be life and the world in general.  Whatever the case, I realized I’ve got to get myself out of this funk.  With that realization came another realization that I have forgotten to focus on gratitude.  It’s what saved me the year after Daddy’s death.  Why did I let it go?  This beautiful thing that changed my perspective on everything, I simply just let go.  I started to feel the peace I was yearning for and then felt I no longer had to focus each day on being grateful. 

That’s where I went wrong. 

Taking to time to feel grateful for something everyday doesn’t have to come after a huge loss. It should simply be a part of living each day. It balances out all the negativity.  It brings peace amidst the uncertainty and anxiousness.

So, I am rebooting this gratitude blog and am ready to take on all the peace and solace I know it will bring. 

Today, I’m grateful for coming to these realizations and then walking outside my office building to take in this breathingly gorgeous view. 



Girl Time

My Girls and I got to spend some good quality time together the past couple days. Last night, we went out for Chinese. Today I treated us to pedicures, and later I took them to dinner again. Obviously, Mommy isn’t into cooking. 😉

I just love this time with them. Alexa is going to college and will move out in the next year, so these precious mother-dates have become that much more treasured. 

I’m so grateful for Girl Time with My Babies.   


One Year

I tried my best to do 365 gratitude posts, but the last month of work, travel, and celebration  stole my focus.  

Starting from where I left off, we celebrated  Pop’s 70th birthday… My Princess Niece Evangeline’s 5th birthday…  And my Daddy’s life and death with a family fishing trip in Galveston.    

That was just one weekend!  The next weekend, we celebrated the 4th of July holiday relaxing and eating great food at Donovon’s uncle’s house in Donie, Texas.  We then left for a week in Orlando where I attended a conference and was able to also spend some time at Disney World with the family.   

 And last weekend, we celebrated Rose’s 40th birthday in Dallas.   It’s been quite a month and I’m grateful for every single second of it.  

As I reflect on my father’s life – the reason I began this blog – it makes me grateful for all he taught me, for always being there for me, and most of all for his shaping me into the woman I am today. 

I still carry some sadness, but for the most part, I’m so very thankful that I have so many wonderful memories of Daddy. 

This blog has been an incredible experience for me. I intend to keep it going, although maybe not quite daily.  It has proven to me that no matter how much my heart hurts, there is always something to be grateful for. Being grateful lessens the pain and highlights the joy.  Gratitude is a powerful thing. 


Day 342 / Hitchcock Movie Night

The girls and I got Donovon the Alfred Hitchcock collection on Blu-Ray for Father’s Day, and last night Alexa, Donovon and I all decided to watch one of the movies. 

It was a challenge picking which one to watch. There are so many to choose from and so many that I, myself, had not yet seen. We landed on Rope which Alexa had already seen and Donovon and I had not. 

It’s not one of his better known ones, but I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Everything from the performances to the camera shots to Hitchcock’s overall style had me mesmerized. 

It was a fun time and I’m grateful for a little Hitchcock movie night with the family. 


Day 341 / The Grahams

The Grahams – Uncle Terry, Tita Sunny, Jennifer, and Kristina – are a family with whom my sister and I grew up. Our closest family friends, we did everything together – countless dinners, birthday parties, holidays, and vacations.  

Jennifer and Kristina went to same private school as Crestina and me.  And we were always together outside of school. We took ice skating lessons, sewing lessons, cooking lessons. With a sisterly bond, we danced, we played, we watched cartoons, and of course, like the best of sisters do, we fought. 🙂

I attribute much of what I learned in my childhood to Uncle Terry and Tita Sunny.  Inherent mentors, they imparted so much knowledge and wisdom that I still carry with me today. I’m thankful for their teachings, but mostly for their support and their love.

The Grahams were an extension of our family.   And unfotunately, for our family, it wasn’t all fun and games. There was tragedy too, and when my mother fell ill and later died, her death hit them just as hard. 

Yet, they were there for my sister, my dad, and me the whole time, doing their very best to comfort us and help fill the enormous void. And of course, again, 28 years later with Daddy’s passing, they are here for Crestina and me.

It was my Tita Sunny who delivered beautiful eulogies for both my parents as only she could.  She knew them both so well.  The connection ran deep, and it was felt as she honored each of them. 

My gratitude for The Grahams is insurmountable.  They mean more to me than they will every know.  Uncle Terry, Tita Sunny, Fer Fer, and Tinker – I love you all so very much.


Day 339 / Challenges

I had a pretty challenging day at work. And while part of me wants to give in to the tendency to give up, I am letting it fuel me to persevere.  I’m grateful for challenges and the energy I get from wanting to overcome them. 

Day 337 / Father’s Day

I have long embraced Father’s Day.  I have not been able to celebrate Mother’s Day with my mother for many, many years.  So Father’s Day meant that much more to me.  That was a day I could celebrate with Daddy – I could buy him a gift. I could call him. I could hear his voice.

This year, however, Father’s Day, hit me like a ton of bricks. I cannot see Daddy’s reaction to my gift. I cannot call him and wish him a Happy Farher’s Day. I cannot hear appreciation and joy in his voice upon hearing my greeting.  It sucks.  It just sucks. It’s not fair.

And I sobbed like a baby this morning when the ton of bricks hit me and I realized I could not celebrate with him. 

But I can still honor him.  I can remember all he taught me.  I can be grateful for his sacrifices and the life he gave me after Mommy passed.  I can cherish every smile and laugh that ever came from him. And I can take comfort in our undying love for each other. 

Every fiber of my being misses the hell out of you, Daddy. I love you forever. And I’m eternally grateful for you on this day and always.